Top 5 Signs Your Car Needs Air Conditioner Repair
Temperatures in Phoenix routinely soar over 100 degrees during the summer. That’s no time to mess around without an air conditioner in your car or your home! Even short trips to the grocery store can leave you drenched in sweat and panting for air if you don’t have air conditioning in your car.
Top 5 Signs Your Car Needs Air Conditioner Repair
Before you’re left without any cool air and are scrambling to find a mechanic who can perform emergency air conditioner repair, it’s important that you maintain your system and be on the lookout for any potential issues. Knowing the signs that a problem is imminent can help you stave off break downs and repairs.
Here are the top five signs that your air conditioner might need some attention:
1. Weak Air Flow
You crank up the AC to combat those blazing Phoenix temps, but you barely feel the air coming out of the vents. You put your hand up to the vent to make sure it is working. You feel the cool air, but the force is not strong with this one.
Weak air flow can be caused by something as simple as a loose hose or an open seal, or your ventilation fan may have broken. You need a mechanic to take a look at your AC as soon as possible before things get worse.
2. Warmer Air
Your AC may be blowing out cold air, but the air may be cooler than the setting you have chosen. You may turn the AC to max but only get air that’s around a level 1 cool.
You may just need more Freon, or you may be experiencing one of a number of problems, such as a Freon leak, clogged tubs, a failed motor or compressor, or a damaged evaporator. Any number of switches or fuses can also be blown.
3. Starts Cool then Blows Warm
You turn on your air conditioner and feel the soothing cool air — then everything goes wrong as it starts blowing hot. What’s going on? You could have a blown fuse, a faulty compressor clutch, a leak or a clogged valve. One thing is certain: You’ll need to see a mechanic ASAP for immediate air conditioner repair.
4. Foul Smell
Your air conditioner may be blowing cold and working like a dream — except for one thing. You may notice a foul stench coming through the vents with your cold air.
You may just have a dirty filter, but you could also have mold or mildew growing in the evaporator or other parts. You’ll need to tend to these issues before they clog a line or cause another part to fail, costing you a lot in air conditioner repair.
5. Strange Noises
Your air conditioner should run quietly other than the familiar “whoosh” of the fan. What you shouldn’t hear is squealing or clanking. These noises could indicate a worn out belt, a lack of lubrication or another problem. As soon as you hear these noises, see your mechanic. You don’t want to wait until more parts fail and your air conditioner doesn’t work at all.
At Scottsdale Muffler and Automotive, we understand how important your car air conditioner is. You just can’t survive the Phoenix summers without it. Our Phoenix mechanics have years of experience and training to make any air conditioner repair expertly and in a timely manner. See us today if you are experiencing any of these air conditioning problems or to get routine maintenance to head off any problems before they start.
Published By: Chris McCurdy
Scottsdale Muffler & Automotive
1710 E Curry Rd Tempe, AZ 85281
Office: 480-994-4741
Office Hours:
Monday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Posted: June 26, 2015